Tuesday, March 11, 2008

UBP 2008: Partying T-Mom style...and givin' stuff away too!

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

I don't know if you can hear me for all the banging and clashing and breaking to pieces of toy guns going on over here but we're partying Timothy Mom (that's T-mom) style with the UBP at 5 Minutes for Moms today and it's a bangin' good time!

i'll let the kids get this party started with their moves:
Welcome to Timothy Moms' Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares party! We're taking part in this massive blog festivity by throwing a party with our kids, teaching them some of God's word.

This is what Timothy Moms is all about- mom's, living our their genuine faith in Christ (as Eunice and Lois, Timothy's mom and grandma did- see 2Timothy 1:5), laboring in love to teach their kids God's word. Then we get together here at the blog or at the Timothy Mom's group over at the Homeschool Lounge and share what we're doing, pass ideas and resources on to each other, tell stories of encouragement and pray for each other as we press on in this journey of faith in Christ as t-moms!

Are you a Timothy Mom? Wanna make it your aim to more purposefully and prayerfully model your genuine faith to your kids; teaching them God's word? If so, add us to your blogging schedule and leave a comment or email me with your post for Timothy Moms and I'll add you to our growing list of Timothy Moms contributors and spread the word, introducing you to other t-moms.

Today I'm partying with my boys (Connor, will be 5 April 1st- I know; and Ryland 3)and two of our favorite friends in the neighborhood, Haley, 5 and Allie, almost 3, and their rockin' momma who loves Jesus too! We're beating to smitherings some toy guns and making a mosaic of a plowshare (shovel) on a pot, then planting some flowers in them. Why? Well, I've been setting out to teach my boys God's word in a thematic way each month (learn more here) and this month the theme is Sowing and Reaping (go here to read our March plans). It's been a really impacting month so far as my boys are really "getting" sowing and reaping.

Here's what some other t-moms are doing:

Captivated recently shared her heart about teaching her kids (gonna be 4, plus the 35 or so teens she's playing mamma-bear to) God's grand design for purity. In a recent post she shared here at TM's, she wrote:
So, two things on my mind and heart in the past weeks. I'm pregnant. And I've also inherited a pseudo-mama-bear role for 35 teenagers. So on two fronts I'm thinking and meditating on God's design for sex and sexuality, purity and integrity, the pregnancy and birth process and the dating and marriage process...We ordered a book from Amazon called "The Story of Me " and it's BOOK 1 from a 4-Part GOD'S DESIGN FOR SEX series. This book is for ages 3-5 and introduces the basics. (Read the rest of her great post here and visit her precious blog Trenkle Toes for more).
Mommy to 4 Blessing, so far has a God-sized heart for children...her own and all the children in the world. She recently shared her prayers and thoughts about washing our children with the Word:
I have been spending quite a bit of time, as of late, thinking and praying through the fact that our children need to be washed with the Word! Follow me here...
Many passages in the Word speak of the fact that our little ones, as cute as they may be, are born in sin. And when God crafted our children in the womb He did so in a creative manner, giving each child a distinct personality. When proverbs speaks of "training up our children in the way he should go" it means according to his/her personality. (Read the rest of this post and more from this inspiring t-mom at her blog 4 Colorful Kiddos).
Over at the T-mom's Homeschool Lounge group we have some more inspiring Timothy Mommas sharing resources and encouraging stories from their lives.

Merri shared this tip at the T-Mom's group:

I ordered this from amazon and received it yesterday in the mail, it's something worth checking out if you have little ones. What this is a Bible study that you can do with your kids, you check these books out at the library and parallel them with Bible storiesLike the book, The Story >of Ping reveals the value of discernment ( I Kings 3:9) it also brings up honoring authority and obeying rules and responsibility ( 1Peter 2: 13-20There is more but I will stop here, I just thought I would share this book with you all, I am looking forward to a trip to the library to get the first library book! :-)
Tereasa shared this inspired devotion she had with the Lord after witnessing the recent Lunar eclipse:
After witnessing the beauty of last Wednesday's eclipse, I was inspired to write about our own spiritual eclipse.When our children are young, we teach them about our solar system. We teach that the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth. The sun is a source of light during the day, as is the moon at night. The moon, however, does not shine on its own. Its light is a mere reflection of the sun.In John 8:12, Jesus said that he is the light of the world. But wait, in Matthew 5:14, we read that we are the light of the world. How can the two be true? God has given us a wonderful example in his creation to teach us this truth. Jesus (the son) is like the sun. He is the true light of the world. We are like the moon. We cannot give light to the world unless Jesus shines on us, unless he is in our lives. (Read the rest of this awesome post here).
There are many more inspiring and encouraging ladies sharing their hearts, resources and experiences at the Timothy moms' group and here at the blog. Melissa, Dana, Sallie, Lea, Gina, Q&Q, Nikki, Moria, Penney, Kristal, and soooo many more totally terrific t-mom's share and inspire here at Timothy moms (and at the group!) So come and visit and be encouraged to get down on your knees, look your kids in the eyes and talk with them about the God who's rescued your soul and His word in your everyday activities...then come share what you've done with us!

I've really enjoyed reading some of the excellent posts in this blog celebration for moms- I hope to get to know some of you inspiring mommas more!

Huh? What was that?...Oh! Yeah! Sorry. I haven't even introduced myself.
Hi, I'm Sheila. I'm the nerdy, plain jane, lanky girl at the party who gets all nervous and blushes when someone starts talking to her and so I start rambling on and laughing too much. I'm a dork, but I love Jesus and His love motivates me in everything I am passionate about: loving my man, and my two rambunctious (sp?) boys, studying and sharing God's word with other women and mommas, God's amazing creation, and I'm a bit out of place on this planet- I'm just a passin' through. You can learn more about little ole me here.

I started blogging a little over a year ago, thanks to a friend who encouraged me to start bloggin'. I have 3 blogs now: WcfaWoV? (my original blog where I blog about my life as a wife of faith in Christ and seek to encourage other wives to find their worth and ability in Jesus). Timothy Moms was born last Christmas- you can read more about that here and my heart for T-Moms here and here. encouragHer is my newest blog. It's a blog about the new simple little card creations I'm making and selling at my etsy shop. I'm giving away a prize of 20 cards/notes- 10 from my Sarah's Daughters series and 10 from my encouragMom series at the blog party! Just let the twins at 5MforM's know in your UBP post that you would like to win my cards.

(I would love your feedback on my cards so head over to encouragHer, take my poll and leave a comment. Also check back as I plan to do monthly giveaways.)

Check out all the great prizes here for the UBP. Here's the top three I'd love to win:

#67 Blog Makeover from Shauna: I love the "I love this one!" one :-)

#60 The $25 Gift certificate to Amazon.com from Judy

There are so many great ones to choose from! I like these too: #71,74,79, 91, 138, 140, and 152.

Fun partying T-mom style with you at the UBP! Thanks for hanging with us, even with all the banging and noise goin' on around here!
Peace to you in Jesus! ~Sheila and the boyz!
Oh! and here's the mosaics the kiddos made in Beating your swords into plowshares party- great job kids!


Uniquely Yours said...

Wow! Is all I can say. Where do you find the time? Make sure you visit my blog.

JoLynn Braley said...

Hi Sheila, you sure do have a rockin' party going on here, what a creative post with all of the pictures, wow! :)

Have fun with the Blog Party, there sure are a lot of us at the party! :)

Jessica said...

Wow, Shelia! I love your heart and mission...Timothy moms seems great and what a wonderful vision!

I'll definitely come back and visit. :)

- Jessica

Judy said...

Hi! I'm so glad you came by my blog and I'm really glad you want to win the GC I'm giving away. Good luck with that.

The Long and the Short of It is also giving away gift certificates for books, so you might want to check that out. There's still time before that contest ends.

I love your theme units. When I homeschooled a million years ago ;-), my kids enjoyed the western theme...we did a whole unit on the Little House books... it was great fun.

Blessings as you "bring up your children in the way they should go."

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for stopping by to say thank you! It was a pleasure working with all the bloggers and business owners. I hope you are all having a great time party hopping. Good luck in the prize drawing.

Sprittibee said...

Happy blog partying! Nice to meet you! :)


Jay said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Looks like you have a great party going on here! Woot!

Blessings to you all!

Kate said...

Thanks for stopping by! Nice to "meet" you too :-) I look forward to revisiting T-mom's more!

Susannah said...

This is the best party I've been to so far!!! You're something else, Sheila. Blessings, e-Mom :~D

Janne said...

What a neat blog. This is my first visit here. Thanks for stopping by my party. (Adorable children by the way).

Kellie Trenkle said...

wow! (i'm always, always, always encouraged by your transparency, sheila.) and you're not a dork!