Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My heart for this blog

This is a re-post of what I originally wrote in December of 2007 when my heart was turned to purposefully teach my sons God's word. With the hiatus from the Timothy Moms blog has come a time of reflection, planning and focus (without writing about it here) to teaching my sons God's word. I look forward to returning to regular postings here soon, but in the mean time I just thought someone else might like to rekindle the heart for making disciples out of our children.
As a mom of two sons and a wife of a man who supports me in teaching our kids God's word I realize I've been handed a tremendous honor and responsibility.

At times I can find myself falling for the "poor me" lies and wishing my husband were doing this or feeling defeated because I'm not seeing immediate fruit from my labors, just tantrums and opposition. But the truth is, God has blessed me with the husband I have and His word will not return void but will have its fruit in my children's lives.

Though, like Timothy's mom, my sons' father is a modern "Greek", and does not directly participate in teaching them God's word, I am blessed that his heart is favorable towards me as I take up the mandate of scripture to teach them God's word myself. This, at times, poses a challenge in my mind, but the battle ground truly is only in my mind. For as I take my stand, plan, and carry out my plans in teaching my sons, I find nothing but fallen giants in the path before me. I might meet resistance, but the battle is always a victory, because God's word is true.

I need a place to remind myself of these things and to hear from other moms who take the command and promise of Deuteronomy 32:46-47 as being for them, whether their husbands are "Greeks" (I trust you all know I do not mean ethnic Greeks here), or priests in the home.

The scripture in Deuteronomy is the promise I stand on daily as I set out to teach my 3 and 4 year old sons God's word:

"Set your hearts on all the words which I testify among you today, which you shall command your children to be careful to observe- all the words of this law. For it is not a futile thing for you, because it is your life..." ~ Deuteronomy 32:46-47a

When I read the book of Acts and the letters written by Paul to Timothy in the New Testament and realize what an impact Timothy's mom and grandmother had on many because of their diligence to teach the scriptures to their son and grandson, I'm inspired. I want my sons to be Timothys. I want them to serve the Lord with their lives and use the gifts and callings God has for them to spread the gospel and teach others God's word. I know this can't just happen by wishing, but I'm promised that God's purposes will take hold if I do my part in modeling and teaching God's word to them.

I pray this blog will develop into a place where many resources and words of encouragement can be used and gleaned by me and other moms as we set out to teach our kids God's word. Hence, Timothy moms, rather than A Timothy mom :-) So please leave your gracious comments, ideas, resources, and whatever else you do or experience in teaching your kids God's word.


Unknown said...

I just have to let you know how much this post touched me. I can't even describe it right now. I am in tears. I look forward to reading here in the future. Thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

I love the concept of Timothy mums and have glad that I have found your blog. I'm adding you to my blog list. xo