"But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
This first week of January I've been following through on the plans to more purposefully teach my boys God's word. Proverbs 16:3 is so true! "Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established."
I made the plans for the month and prayed over them, "Lord, Your word is true and You promise it's not a vain thing for me to teach Connor and Ryland Your word and that it will not return to You void so no matter what obstacles arise this month, I'm going to trust You!" And my thoughts have been established, that is, they've been made stable and firm.
Providentially a radio message from Pastor Jon Courson (which I love to listen to and highly recommend) was playing this first week of the year on Searchlight titled: As for me and my house. Teaching from the famous passage in Joshua, Pastor Jon specifically spoke to women/moms who's husbands either are absent or uninvolved in spiritual things or are unbelievers. He spoke the message that we must not use our husbands as an excuse, but rather take up the promises of God, teach His word to our kids and lead them in godliness.
The majority of the pastor's admonition was to the men, dads and grandpas of the audience; citing that it is primarily the responsibility and honor for a man to lead his home this way and it got me thinking about wives/moms who do have a husband who is the spiritual leader of the home- Is a wife/mom to a godly, leading man not to also take up this mandate of spiritual leadership and teaching God's word to her kids?
As I've prayed about this and listened to what the Lord is speaking to me through other people in my life and His word I really see this beautiful truth that even if your husband is a Billy Graham, a mom's influence on her children and husband is powerful and must be taken up diligently no matter her husband's spiritual involvement. I bring up Billy Graham because I caught a piece of a special on Ruth Graham's life the awhile back and was so blessed by it. Billy Graham said of his wife, "She has taken up the role of father and mother to my kids so that I can do what God has called me to do." And her kids talked of how their mom modeled and purposefully taught them God's word and how they all attributed their saving relationship with Jesus to their mother.
Here I am married to a man, who, in modern times, is like Timothy's dad was and I often find myself thinking, "If only he was... then I wouldn't have to be this or do that." But as I watched this story unfold about Ruth Graham and have listened to messages on the radio, and the Spirit speaking to me through the word and other Christians in my life, I realize the Lord is challenging me to see that there is no husband who fully bears the role of being the spiritual leader to their home/children. Though they may very well be responsible for that role in God's eyes, I also see how I am responsible for that role in God's eyes as a wife. For God considers us one flesh!
I must do whatever is needed be sure my kids have a godly example, are prayed over, and have God's word planted in their hearts.
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