First, Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers by Zondervan Kids. Each book teaches a fundamental of the Christian faith. My four year old in particular has a very hard time sitting to listen to a children's book for more than a few minutes, but even though these little books take about 5 minutes to read and are about things like the infalibility of God's word, the gospel, the trinity, etc., he actually asks to be read these books and will listen and ask questions. I highly recommend them. You can purchase them at Answers in Genesis,
Next, I just wanted to turn you on to Answers in Genesis. The website itself,, is excellent! There's a page just for kids and also free videos to watch online. Most of the resources are a bit to advanced for my kids at this age but their online store has great products that my kids love, such as these Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel videos.
Finally, one of the ministries I really have a heart for and use to talk to my kids about praying for those who suffer for their faith in Jesus is Voice of the Martyrs. There are great products in their store to use in teaching our kids about what the cost is in following Christ and the bravery and courage of those who let God use their lives to win others, even those who persecute them. This book, The Story of St. Nicholas, More than reindeer and a red suit, was great this month. The kids really enjoyed it.
Also, I really like using the New Living Translation when reading the Bible to my kids. I use to just print out the reading I'm wanting to share with them, but yesterday I saw an add in my Family Christian Store mailer that says NLT Bibles will be only $5.97 starting January 5th. I couldn't find an ad online to link you to, but I'm sure if you ask at your local store you can find out if this ad for NLT Bibles applies to your store.
What resources do you find helpful in teaching the Bible to your kids or grandkids? I'd love to hear from you!
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