Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who says boys can't have tea parties?

(Sorry for the blurry picture. My camera must have been on a weird setting and I didn't realize it.)

The other day after my boys had watched a Max and Ruby episode, and while I was in another room of the house, I heard the clanking of dishes and shouted, "What are you doing in there?!"

Not getting a response I made my way to the kitchen where I found that my oldest son had climbed the counters in the kitchen to get down the china tea cups and saucers that I keep on the highest shelf in our kitchen. He had the island bar all set up for a tea and said, "See mom, I'm making a tea party! You wanna come? See I got bread and peanut butter and jelly and some cereal and cheese and you can sit here mom!"

It was too cute to scold him for climbing the counters. I did find a time later to instruct him to never climb the counters like that again and promised to put some tea china in a low place so he could set up a tea party without risking his life :-)

I never would have thought my rambunctious boys would even entertain the idea of a tea party, but I was wrong! They played tea party for a good hour or more and truly enjoyed setting up the table in a orderly way and pouring tea and pretending that their grandma and Babci (Polish for grandma) were at the table with them.

1 comment:

Gina Marie said...

Too precious for words. . . . You have such thoughtful and creative sons:-)

May God bless you!

-Gina in AZ